DDD Exploration logo

Oil - Gas - Exploration
Texas - Oklahoma
Since 1991


Amarillo, TX Location:
4000 SW 34th Ave., Suite C, Amarillo, TX 79109

College Station, TX Location:
17400 Ashland Park Dr., College Station, TX 77845

oil well pump in north Texas


Clara oil rig early DDD exploration

DDD Exploration, Inc. (pronounced 3-D Exploration) is a subchapter S corporation created in 1991 to explore for oil and gas using 3-D seismic data. We are experts in acquisition, processing and interpretation of 3-D seismic data.

DDD Exploration shot the first 3-D seismic surveys in Hardeman County, TX (1991), Jackson County, OK (1992) and Chaves County, NM (1992).

Thomas and Franklin Ratliff cofounded DDD Exploration in 1991. Thomas was working as a production geophysicist for Mobil E&P and Franklin was working as an attorney for a law firm in Lubbock, TX before quitting their jobs to form the company.

DDD Exploration was initially based in Midland, TX before moving the company to Lubbock, TX in 1992 and finally to Amarillo, TX in 1995 where it is presently headquartered.

map of Texas with DDD headquarter moves

oil rig on prairie drilling for oil in Oklahoma

DDD Exploration has shot hundreds of square miles of 3-D seismic and has discovered millions of barrels of oil. DDD Exploration discovered and drilled the largest well ever found in Jackson County, OK (the Ratliff operated Hankins #1 has flowed over 957 MBO to date).

DDD Exploration is presently the largest oil producer in Hartley County TX, the 2'nd largest oil producer in the Dalhart Basin, the 6th largest oil producer in the Hardeman Basin, and the 22'nd largest oil producer in the Texas Panhandle.